​​What Can Affect Phone Radiation

 ​​What Can Affect Phone Radiation?

Phone Radiation

The more your phone is trying to connect to the network, the more radiation it pumps out. Sometimes, you may even feel your phone heat up in your hand if you’re trying to make a call in an area with poor signal. This is evidence of your phone routing all available power to the antennae. It is really going all out to try and locate the network and connect you.

So because radiation is essentially how the phone connects to the network, it is a big factor in the amount of radiation your phone gives off. When network coverage is low and there is a poor signal the phone works much harder to connect, putting out much higher amounts of radiation. Low signal has one of the biggest effects on phone radiation.

Each make and model of phone is designed and manufactured differently so each will have a different amount of radiation it emits. Manufacturers have limits they must adhere to, called the Specific Absorption Rating. You can check your phone’s SAR in the manufacturer handbook that came with your phone, and sometimes on their website.

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