A strange radio signal is coming from the Milky Way.

 A strange radio signal coming from the center of the Milky Way Galaxy has been discovered by astronomers. Researchers have been studying variations in radio waves for a long time, but the waves detected are distinct from any previously studied variations.

milky way

What is unusual about this signal?

According to a statement by the University of Sydney, Wang said the scientists found the new signal most strange because it had a "very high polarisation". 

He explained that its light rotates with time, but that it is only in one direction at a time. Polarisation, in simple terms, describes the direction in which light waves oscillate.

The study author also noted that this was a never-seen-before phenomenon. It was noted that the brightness varied dramatically and that the signal would turn on and off at random, he said, adding that the brightness varied by a factor of 100 during those episodes.

 studying radio waves for variable or transient objects is one way to unravel the mysteries of the universe. As they emit variable light across the electromagnetic spectrum, variable objects in astronomy are stellar objects that change brightness or color. Transients are astronomical phenomena that can last for durations of fractions of a second to weeks or years. In contrast to variables, transients are not detectable on any given timescale since they are short-lived.

 Pulsars, supernovae, flaring stars, and fast radio bursts are astronomical objects whose brightness varies. 

A neutron star pulses of radiation at very regular intervals, such as milliseconds or seconds, which is what Pulsars do.

In contrast, a fast radio burst is a highly concentrated burst of radio waves produced by an unknown source, lasting a few milliseconds.

Variable stars, such as flare stars, have dramatic brightness variations within minutes. 

Initially, Wang said they wondered if the unusual signals came from pulsars, a dense spinning dead star. He said they also speculated the signal to come from a star that emits huge solar waves. 

They then rejected these assumptions, since the newly discovered signals were not consistent with those associated with pulsars or other types of celestial objects.

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